Student Career and Financial Success

The Power of Investing in Your Future

Investing in learning strategies from our consulting services is an investment in long-term success. Our services create learning plans that help equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to take responsibility for their financial health and career objectives. We support students with additional support on learning how to manage money properly, build resilient work habits and create a productive mindset.

Career and Financial Success ​
CareerPhases supports college students and recent graduates attain their professional and financial goals. We provide coaching in resume building, networking, and interview acumen. We also provide students with guidance on sensible money management, such as budgeting strategies, credit card management, and investment options.
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College Alternatives
College may be a popular route to success, but it only fits some students' life plans. With CareerPhases' guidance, students can discover and explore unique paths to financial stability that don't require a college degree! From trade school programs to hands-on job training and certificate courses. We help students uncover career options that are rewarding and lucrative and that align with their interests and aspirations!
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We Offer Tailored Workshops

Students have many questions about their future careers and how to manage their finances best. Our workshops provide students with the tools and guidance to make informed decisions about their career path and financial well-being. CareerPhases assist students in navigating the complex world of career and financial planning.

All-in-One Solution

We appreciate every student's unique situation and offer personalized guidance and support. We have tailored our workshops to meet the needs of each student, ensuring that you receive the most relevant and valuable information for your specific situation. Our workshop will give you the knowledge and skills you need to make informed decisions about your future.

Credit Managment

CareerPhases Credit Card Management services help students build strategies for creating long-term success with building their credit. With our guidance, students can build their financial knowledge, so they graduate in the driver's seat - not buried under mountains of debt. Whether you're just starting your financial journey or looking to improve your existing habits, our credit management consulting services can help you develop a solid financial foundation.

Career Workshop

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Money Management

CareerPhases Student Money Management workshop helps students make the most of their money! During this workshop, we provide students with the tools and knowledge to create a personalized budget plan. Students get the guidance they need to track expenses, create a savings plan and make informed money decisions. - all while paving the way toward stability and independence.

Investment Basics

Investing is a valuable skill for students, and it is never too early to start learning about it. CareerPhases basics of investing workshop provide students with a comprehensive understanding of investing, including the different types of investments, risk management, strategies for building an investment portfolio, and avoiding scams. We help students understand the value of investing and how making intelligent investment decisions can secure their future. We offer personalized guidance and support. Our workshops meet the needs of each student, ensuring that they receive the most relevant and valuable information for their specific situation.

Contact Us

Educating students on financial and career management is the key to unlocking their potential and achieving their goals. Together, let’s build a brighter future through knowledge and financial literacy. Contact us now, and let’s start the journey to financial and career success!